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Are there contradictions in the Bible?
Why wouldn’t there be?

The Bible never tells us anywhere that:

1)      God wrote all of the Books in it.

2)      God told His apostles and disciples exactly what to write word for word.

3)      God would preserve one particular Bible manuscript till the end of time.

   Yes, these are the basic facts that all knowledgeable and sincere Christians are definitely aware of. The fact the muslims think we believe something other than those truths, is because there is a group of Christian that falsely believe that the Bible is without error; but this is not the Bible’s fault, it’s theirs.

   But since that is the case, why then do Christians keep believing the Bible to be “the Book of God” and not “a book of men”?? The answer to this is the key to understanding why Christian still trust the Bible 100%.

The answer is: An initial supernatural encounter with God. The Three Persons called God in the Bible, have been revealed to him. Because of this, he trusts this Book, since it is this God that visited him and had revealed in his spirit His Existence as the Gospel was spoken to him and it is this God he prayed to for salvation. Some of course trust the Bible for many other amazing reasons, but subconsciously that is the deepest reason for trusting the Bible. This is how God planned it. He knew that His children would be dependent on Him after He contacts their spirit revealing His existence, not on the Book and therefore He could use the Book in many different ways as you will see!! Oh, the wisdom!!!


    You can try to tell a Christian that something in the Bible is wrong or contradicting something else, but He knows that he has a relationship with the God of the Bible, so for him it’s not a big issue at the end of the Day. They know 1) their God is in full control, 2) He is never wrong, no matter how things look, he is that Sovereign; He is not dependent on the details of the Book to save His people!!  3) that there are easy explanations for some -seeming or not- discrepancy, or even deeper explanations that may or not be given to all but to some by God.

    Muslims therefore must finally understand these factors and not judge the Bible based on the claims of their quran as to iself. The quran claims it is word for word by its allah, but the Bible doesn’t. If you judge the Bible placing it first in that wrong context, naturally, the Bible will always disappoint you. But why would a sincere and knowledgeable muslim do that? He wouldn’t. Only dishonest, fanatical, hate filled muslims would, because they do not care for at least knowing the Christian truth, but just to destroy it; unknowingly, what they are trying to destroy is their personal salvation… Satan plays many games with the evil hearts of such people… 

    The Bible therefore is God’s Book because it was provided for the Church to have it. But God the Father and Son also provided that among other things, His Holy Spirit will teach the Bible, will explain why somethings were done in one way and not in another. When I say it was provided for the Church, people must know what Church, that is, for which group of people is the guidance in the Bible provided for? God’s Church are all the people that 1) have believed in the salvific work of Jesus Christ for them, 2) have repented, 3) have been baptized in water at a personal age of accountability, 4) have received the seal of the Holy Spirit in themand 5) live a dedicated life to Him.. If someone is not connected to God, he/she does not belong to His Church. Such people connected to God, were first called “the people of the Way” and later “Christians,” later they were called born again or born of God Christians. More importantly, they were called in the New Testament the disciples of God; only a genuine disciple can learn from God his deeper truths and mysteries, because only he behaves as a student in front of a teacher. This is important to remember, because you can have many real believing Christians, but not many of them remain disciplined students of God that keep studying the Bible. Usually, after learning a lot of things, they stop researching the Bible; this means that their understanding has come to a personal limit. From such Christians, you can learn many things from, but much more from the ones that remain students of the Bible for decades. This is why you find Christians with different opinions, because half of them repeat the answers of their human teachers (some are correct, some aren’t) and the other half repeat the truth taught to them by Holy Spirit. The only way however you can know who is right, is if you have a personal relationship with the same Holy Spirit and are a student of the Bible.

    An important point here to remember is: God does not give all His truths to everyone, but only to the obedient, disciplined students when each is deserving. If you think that you will learn everything God wants to reveal, just because you read the Bible, it won’t happen that way. God hides things and presents things at His time. Likewise, no one teaches a child at kindergarden, things for 10 year olds and no one teaches things of high school to a ten year old and no one teaches a highschool student things taught in a university. This means, GOD KNOWS WHO EVERYONE IS IN HIS SPIRITUAL SCHOOL AND AT HIS TIME, HE GIVES HIS LESSONS ACCORDINGLY.

    Having given the foundation for understanding, I will now be more specific.

1) What does divine inspiration mean? The Greek word for inspiration is ebnevsi (έμπνευση) and it literally means: to breath (thoughts as information, knowledge or an idea) into. Into what, is the question? Into the writings of the writers, firstly passing of course through their mind’s thought processes. So THEIR writings had guidance behind it and now the question becomes: What type of guidance? The word inspiration/ebnevsi itself cannot tell us this, it cannot tell us what words were breathed by the Holy Spirit into their minds and unto the paper (of that time).

2) Did the writers know they were inspired by God as they were writing? Sometimes we are told they did. and to add to that, this is what logic says, that is, since God wanted us to have these books into one Book, his intentions and guidance must be provided in there.


3) We are told in the Bible that the men of God that spoke or/and wrote God’s will, were inspired by Him (2Tim.3:16, 2Pe.3:15-16). Does this mean He inspired word for word everything they wrote?

Answer: The proof shows that this can be the case and in some cases it can only be the case(!), but in other cases, it’s not.
So, a writer may write something in his words, but:

*all of those words may not be his as he thinks, but the Holy Spirit’s, even though they look like they are all his!

*all those words may be his, without divine inspiration choosing them one by one, but just e.g. providing direction, like: Write about that event, at that place, at that time, in your own words.

*some of his words be his, some may be God’s.

The above are not guesses of course, but this is what the Bible presents in a great many cases:

Divinely written: Ex.31:18, 34:1, 1Chr.28: [12]19) and more.

Inspired and written or verbally spoken, in their words: Ιεζ.37:16, Ex.34:27, Num.17:2-3, Isa.30:8, Deut.27:8, Hab.2:2,

Isa.30:8, Acts 20:27 and more.

Inspired with exact wording: Ex.16:12, 19:3-7 Lev.24:15-22, 1Chr.28:12119, 2Chr.11:2-4, Jer.11:1-8 and more.


    To anyone being sincere, the above show that the God of the Bible is clearly not restricted in one way of providing his teachings and inspirations and this because, as I said, He can never lose, He is completely sovereign over everything, even when He hides His ways from people to serve His plans. This is the God of the Bible.


4) Do mistakes and contradictions appear in the Bible? Yes they do. Why? Because, A) God never told us that He would somehow sterilize and preserve the Bible from error. B) Errors cannot override any truth God wants us to have. C) Errors serve God’s will, because:

v They are PROOF that there is no conspiracy among writers to write the same thing!! Some accused the New Testament of that, but it makes them look like the fools they are.

v They act as a spiritual repellant to those that want to find something so to not follow God, but sin. So they prefer a hard heart towards God’s revelation and He allows for it to get even more hardened by using these easily explained mistakes and contradiction. We know the God of the Bible stands against the prideful in many ways! The person however that is sincere in his search for God, will attempt to be objective and he will no issue with any mistakes in light of all else that will guide him to the truth!

v Errors expose the Christians that lie about a minor mistake they see in the Bible, claiming it is not a mistake! He is presented as a fool and exposes himself as a coward and a hypocrite before God and people; liars will not enter heaven we are told.

v Errors in the Bible, make Christians know its place in God’s plan. God did not want His family to idolize the Bible, to allow it to replace their relationship with Him through His Holy Spirit. Our faith is based on our relationship with God, the Bible is just a tool for the cause.

vErrors in the Bible are errors under God’s supervision!! For example, just to blow our minds, in the book of Isaiah some claim there are contradictions. I will not get in that here, but there is a hidden code found in this book that could only be created by the Creator of the Hebrew language!! No modern computer can do it! They have found that throughout the book the phrase “Jesus is my Name”, is repeated again and again, in the following manner: J -10 letters- E -10 letters- S -10 letters- U -10 letters- S -10 letters- I -10 letters- S -10 letters- M -10 letters- Y -10 letters- N -10 letters- A -10 letters- M -10 letters- E -10 letters— and then the same sequence keeps repeating itself!!!!

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC5qf5I3sSI also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyvqqkGP_kg, etal.!


5) What kind of errors are in the Bible? There are seeming errors, that are not actual errors, but are said to be so, due to a bad translation or a bad understanding of context or lack of enough historical clarity on an issue; their explanations are always found in due time and research. And then, there are actual errors that also have their explanations and we will see those and explain why they occur.

Actual errors are:

*human, natural transmission spelling errors, as one copy of a manuscript was copied to form another.

*errors done due to lack of memory. An example: in one Gospel it speaks of two men in Gadara being freed from demons by Jesus and in another Gospel it speaks of two being freed. This is a contradiction, so one of them is mistaken. Does it matter? Of course not!!!! Unless, you want to find something so to not believe, well then, serve yourself! The divine inspiration to both writers could have been: Write about My casting out of demons at Gadara. -About thirty years had past since the resurrection of Jesus Christ and if we were there, we would all most likely archive the miracle as an event that occurred, but not remember the details, especially if we saw many people delivered by Jesus at different places!! Logic however says, that most likely, there were two that were freed, because a person remembering one, would not say two, but a person remembering two, would not say one!! Either way, we are clearly informed of the miracle of how Jesus applied the power of the Holy Spirit to free people! Does this implicate anything negative about the trustworthiness of the Gospels? Of course not. It even shows that each writer was sincere in his personal report. All apostles and writers of the New Testament are said to have died for their faith. These people were very sincere in what they wrote and what they believed.

*errors done due to lack of knowledge. For example, Joshua reports God miraculously stopping the sun so to prolong the day and win over the Amorites. His report was based on his lack of knowledge, that it is not the sun that move around the earth, but the earth that moves around the sun. That is how most people back then viewed natural phenomena. Joshua was not a scientist. In some parts of the world, some people have the same belief! So he was referring to a miracle where the day was prolonged, without knowing how nature works or how God actually did it. He writes strictly on observation, not scientific fact. The amazing miracle however, is made known to us none the less!


-I gave you  an idea of some types of mistakes. Someone can find many, but he will realize that they will have no effect of the inspired will of God given to the writer. It is impossible for God to want His people to know His truth and allow for it to be lost!! Anything man and demons attempt against the Bible, it just falls flat on its face. It is well known in theological circles, that the mistakes in the Bible are way, way less, then people think.

6) Why would God not preserve the Bible, without error? This question is strange.

My first answer is: Because He is very wise and all knowing!!

My second answer is: Which Bible do you mean?? Do you mean, one supernatural Bible, that no one can destroy, one that you cannot change the letters, words, sentences, paragraphs or alter its content in any way?? Or do you mean all the copies of that one Bible supernaturally protected?? Will God be protecting one or all of the same Bibles?? Either way, that would clearly be 100% proof of the supernatural!! But, how would you know it’s actually protected without proof for it? Just because it says so?? Even if you had that same Bible, existing for 2000 years, this would not prove God is protecting it, but only that people are protecting it! What would in fact convince all of us, would be if you attempt in front of everyone present, to destroy its textual content and it can’t happen!! You would smear it with paint, and the paint would not stick, you would burn it, and it would not burn, you would try to cut a page out and not be able to or if you could cut it off, it would grow back again or even, before anyone did any of that, just as they attempted to destroy it, they would die on the spot!!! Wouldn’t that be the only way to prove it is actually protected by its Creator?? Yes or no?? So if I just claimed that I believe it is protected by God because it says it is, it would mean nothing, because there would be no proof of it!


    Having said that, today, no one knows if at least one quran is protected by God, much more when we know all its mistakes and forgeries and the more than 30 Arabic existing qurans that differ among themselves! Doing you the favor and putting that aside, if someone thinks, there is such a quran, it would have already be known and as I said, all religions and all sciences would have bowed bow down to it long ago and there would be no atheists on the planet!! So don’t kid yourself! You just have a book that makes an unfounded indemonstrable claim and a naïve people duped into believing it.

    The amazing twist here is, that our wise God never made any such claim, yet WE HAVE NO REASON TO BELIEVE THAT WE DO NOT HAVE WHAT GOD INTENDED FOR US!!! Due to e.g. the more than 5000 thousands of New Testament manuscripts and fragments we have, WE -NO DOUBT- KNOW that they all agree and provide the same revealed truth and even if e.g. 100 of them disagreed on something, there would be 4900 more that prove those wrong!!!! This ability to sift through the numerous manuscripts to know what the original copies must have said, was planned by the hidden wisdom of God, if you can discern it. We will always know what He wanted us to know, period!! To take it to the extreme, if you cut out a whole book of the Bible, it would be only because God knows that we can do without it, since its major points are found in all the rest of the books in the Bible!!!! If that was not the case, then you would not be able to remove it!!! I say this to show, that God’s sovereignty means that He always gets His way and nothing can happen without Him noticing it beforehand!!

   -Friends, we Christians know of theGod’s grace and multipurpose wisdom, we invite you to Him!  


PS. 1) One last point before closing is that I find it amazing that so many muslims would even stand against their own quran just to destroy the Bible. I say this, because your quran NEVER says anything against the Bible, but even speaks of its authority over the quran!!! (What a mess actually, anyway!)

2)  More sunshine, because Jesus Christ is the Light of the world:

2) http://www.ipertisalithias.gr/index.php?cat=15&id=16&bg=18#article

3) http://www.ipertisalithias.gr/index.php?cat=15&id=20&bg=18#article

4) http://www.ipertisalithias.gr/index.php?cat=15&id=24&bg=18#article

5) http://www.ipertisalithias.gr/index.php?cat=15&id=22&bg=18#article

6) http://www.ipertisalithias.gr/index.php?cat=15&id=18&bg=18#article

7) Original sources Quran stole its stories from



8) Quran Error: Was Abraham Delivered from a Fire?



9) The Quran plagiarized from THIS POET (Part 1)



10) The Quran plagiarized from THIS POET (Part 2)



11) The Quran… A sabotaged by Arabs, Christian Aramaic homily, initially created to glorify Jesus Christ!!!




12) Muhammad was Jesus Christ in Syro-Aramaic



May they original Muhammad please stand up!



Muhammad’s real name is Quthman!



Muhammad’s genealogy is a fake!



May the original Quran please stand up!


The Quranic dilemma

Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη περιγραφή για τη φωτογραφία.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNAS0aaViM4 

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